Quietus Allurement


In an unknown facility you are trapped in this platform shooter game. That are doing illegal tests on you. Things go awry when the head of the facility began creating creatures and releasing them on the scientists and test subjects. The attacks grew in number until the facility was overrun. Now you must fight your way out to gain your freedom before the creatures kill you as well. Do you have the will power and the strength to save the world from the unknown?

Gameplay Trailer

Steam Store Page

News Update

Quietus Allurement Development Update #25

UI Updates/Improvements, March 8th, 2023
Quietus Allurement Development Update #1

What's been going on lately?


The last past month I've been working a lot on making it more universal for my code to where If I have to make a change it will change for both modes. I've been spending a lot of time with this because I don't want to break something in story and have it to where its unplayable.

Loadout UI changes

Some other changes I made has been in the loadout. Weapons that have duel wield will now draw 2 weapons on screen instead of just one. and Silencer will also show up on there as well. Overall I've been working on those 2 things.

Survival Progress

I've also been trying to figure out the best method for the survival mode and where I want that game mode to be.

New Levels?

I'm hoping soon I'll have more details soon about level 1. I'm still awaiting voice lines but I'm thinking I'm gonna be going to a backup plan and get them quicker. Level 1 is done I just have to add the voice lines!

That's my goal is to get this level released shortly! I'll also have it to where you can skip level 1 in the demo but when full game releases you wont be able to skip since it is a key part of the story. Maybe I could add a thing later on after release that only works if you have beat the game once.

Quietus Allurement Development Update #24

Demo Update #2, February 5th, 2023
Quietus Allurement Development Update #1

The demo has been progressing and I've been working on taking a lot of consideration into the game and what I want the game to be. I had to think long and hard about the upcoming weapon nerfs but I think this will make the game just a bit harder with higher tier weapons which is a good thing. Down below is all the Fixes and additions I made in the update! There will be more updates to come! to improve overall gameplay and get ready to release the survival mode!

Update News!

Added: Elevator sign since it wasn’t as noticeable as what I thought it would be.

Added: other player arm to hornet weapon textures

Added: lights in the dark level after elevator or stairs

Added: Sprinting while reloading isn’t possible anymore.

Added: Game Overlay description has been added to the info page This is still work in progress. I just want to add this so people can know more about the game overlay and more details will be added soon.

Fixed: Blood background on death doesn’t work with certain levels

Fixed: Audio loops with phantom and monster when attacking.

Fixed: Monsters going right through the spikes.

Fixed: Destroyer was still using the old damage system.

Fixed: Flying monsters facing the wrong way when spawning in then fixing themselves.

Changed: door Texture in story mode

Weapon Changes

Tac-P2002 max damage reduced by 5.

Arctic Freeze max damage reduced by 4.

The weapons below are nerfed by fire-rate and magazine size.

Warhead max damage reduced by 14.

Illuminator max damage reduced by 25.

ShatterKeep max damage reduced by 28.

Rampage max damage reduced by 8.

Eradicator max damage reduced by 15.

Hornet max damage reduced by 23.

Updated stats to show correct damages above.

Quietus Allurement Development Update #23

Balancing Tweaks, February 1st, 2023
Quietus Allurement Development Update #1

The demo has been out for almost a week now and overall I'm really impressed how well its been going! its giving me motivation in the game that I haven't had in a month or so. I had released an update to fix a few problems that were found. Now my goal is to start balancing the weapons that are overpowered.

Next update

The next update to the game will include a few bug fixes and a few new things in the levels and work in progress info screen which right now will include what the overlay shows and what everything does.

There is a possibility of adding a level or 2 in the future update when that might I haven't decided yet the levels would have to go through some testing for sure. Below are other changes that is coming to the update.

Weapon Changes


Headshots are going to get changed to do less damage with armor.

Headshots without armor are going to be adjusted to the weapons type so certain types will have more damage.

Weapon Damages

The damages are going to get reworked to adjust to the fire rate and reload time.

Range is also going to be a factor as well that I've haven't tested yet before. So this may take a little bit to figure out and may not make this update.

Enemy Difficulty

This has been in question about what needs to happen to make these guys tougher. Right now no changes are coming to the enemies the changes are going to be made to weapons right now. after weapon changes if they still are still easy I'll revaluate at that time.

I just want to thank all those that are trying my demo! its been a long road to get to this spot and I never thought I would get to this spot especially right now!

Quietus Allurement Development Update #22

Demo Hotfix update #1, January 26th, 2023
Quietus Allurement Development Update #1

As the demo has been out for a few days now I want to provide a short update for little fixes! Thank you all for the support on the game its means a lot to me! Below is the hotfix patch details. There will be more to come for sure with this game demo! The reason I'm patching this right now is because there is a big crash problem that I really want to get corrected.

Update Notes!

Fixed: Random Not being random and doing same numbers when loading up game

Fixed: If a monster jumps into the spikes it crashes the game. (Found By Blackgoldangel1 now known as Kaiisau on twitch)

Known Issues The "You died" screen in certain levels don't look right. but will be fixed in the next update!

Quietus Allurement Development Update #21

Demo Release Status, January 1st, 2023
Quietus Allurement Development Update #1

Its been really busy during the holidays, so I haven't had time to post but now I have time, I hope everyone had a really merry Christmas and a good happy new years!

Some of you may know that the demo launches In less then one month! The demo will be released on the steam store for the up coming steam next fest! The demo will be skipping level 1 due to it being a tutorial level and the tutorial level is not going to be finished at this time. It might get done before the demo releases but I don't think it will. So the current status of the demo includes

Story mode will have 4-5 levels I say that because there is 5 levels because one of the levels has a different route you can take but only 4 total also you'll face 2 different monster types and 24 total weapons to play with. Every weapon is unlocked.

Survival mode This mode will not be in at release. being that this has only been in development for less than a year its been a lot of work for a single person to get it working the way I want to. but the demo will be updated as things get developed so when this is ready to go the demo will include 1 map for you to try out! The map currently in development is called Santa's Workshop.

The reason I'm doing steam next fest now is because I feel like the game is at that point of that 20-30 minute demo play and with all the work I've made this year I have a good feeling of trying to release the game either Late this year or early 2024 if all goes well!